LIFE is all about dreaming ...

LIFE ?? What is life?? The journey from birth to death...
Sometimes when I think, I feel if life is just a normal journey from birth to death, how boring it would be.. LIFE is all about dreaming and turning the wildest dream into reality and in the process accumulating experiences and happiness. Live life to the fullest. Enjoy and cherish small moments.  for they give you the ultimate happiness.
Coming to my life.. I was just a shy girl, a bit of introvert, you can say just a very studious girl in my childhood. Never thought of enjoying life for I could not afford at those times. After reaching IOP, pursuing my P.hd, I started dreaming, dream of travelling the world, dream of exploring the less explored places, dream of exchanging and knowing new cultures. Then came a chapter in my LIFE where I went to TIFR, Mumbai. I can't thank God enough for turning my path into the best destinations of my life. I got a sweet sista cum friend KHADIZA. In her company, I started living a new life all together. Late night movie, TREKKING, running, all those things made my life blissful.
I started trekking in her company, hardly I knew that I could climb those rugged mountain ranges in Shaydri. Running, makes you feel so liberated..starting from barely 200 mts now I can easily run a 10 K. 21st june 2017, I ran the first 5K marathon of my life at Ithaca. Probably, life at TIFR was just preparing me for the new life ahead. With a mixed feeling of sadness to leave TIFR, and excitement to join CORNELL, I started off on 30th Jan 2017 and reached US on 31st Jan 2017. Academically, yes I was super excited to become an alumni of one of the most prestigious institution of the world. But the most surprising thing in life comes when you least expect it. Yes I had never imagined that I would come across the LOVE OF MY LIFE (Sanat) just a month after reaching Ithaca. Meeting someone through internet, deciding to marry him and loving him  madly .. would seem like a fairy tale to many. But this is the beautiful reality of my life. Its not just an obligation of getting married, rather the happiness of getting married to someone I admire and love.. that is what makes me satisfied. Whatever I had asked for in life is turning into reality...
A relationship of friendship, few months of courtship and then a beautiful marriage. But its not the thought of marriage which makes me happy, rather the fact that I would get a partner, who is just like me, mad about living life to the fullest and doing something different in the journey of life. Life is so easy and comfortable with HIM beside me. The things which I had almost quit, like writing, participating in a marathon, travelling to random places with a loving partner.. I have resumed all these again. I am really LUCKY to have found someone who is beside me, motivates me and supports me to do something in my LIFE. I have started loving life more..LOVE YOU ZINDAGI
Today I wanted to talk to someone.. and then I thought let me share my thoughts with my DIARY.

LIFE is not just a journey between LIFE and DEATH. DREAM in life.. for believe me DREAM do turn into REALITY !!


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