My DREAM expedition to NIAGARA FALLS !!

Quoting Mark Twain " Twenty years from now, you will be disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bow lines, sail away from safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your souls. EXPLORE, DREAM, DISCOVER." 

Travelling has always been an integral part of my life and exploring the STATES after my arrival here was added to the most coveted TO DO List of my LIFE. Travel experience for a traveller is just incomplete without the pursuance of SOLO trips. Its a step to love yourself a bit more appreciating the CREATOR amidst its manifestations of nature and a medium in pursuit of happiness and lot of experiences. As aptly said by a famous writer "Travelling- it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a story teller. " True indeed... I would like to tell my travel tales to the whole world and inspire people to travel for it enriches and transforms your life.

The weekend of July 4th, Independence day of US, provided me a perfect opportunity to accomplish my dream of solo expedition, for all my lab mates were taking off. Without giving a second thought, I made up my mind to witness the eternal beauty of NIAGARA FALLS, a dream destination for travellers, a topic introduced to me in my geography texts but had never imagined to be a beholder.  Before visiting the place, as is my usual practice, I started exploring the history and geography of Niagara Falls on internet. The majestic beauty and the rich historical perspective which captivated my attention is worth sharing at the start of the blog.

The oldest state park in US, Niagara Falls State Park, host to over 8 million visitors per year straddles between the borders of US and Canada with both sides offering distinct and spectacular view of the falls. The term Niagara is derived from the local word meaning "thundering water". Located on the Niagara river, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, Niagara falls comprising of three waterfalls namely, Bridal Veil Falls, American Falls and Horseshoe Falls, was created as a result of Wisconsin glaciation (last ice age).  It records for the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world that has a vertical drop of more than 165 feet (50 mts). The verdant green colour of the flowing water over the Niagara Falls is a result of the estimated 60 tonnes/minute of dissolved salts and rock flour generated by the erosive force of the Niagara river itself. The current rate of erosion is approximately 1 foot (0.30 m) per year, down from a historical average of 3 feet (0.91 m) per year. It is estimated that 50,000 years from now, even at this reduced rate of erosion, the remaining 20 miles (32 km) to lake Erie will have been undermined and the falls will cease to exist.

Niagara Falls was unravelled to the world in 1678 when Father Louis Hennepin as part of the LaSalle expedition, first recorded a description of the falls. As the country expanded westward, Niagara Falls was an important passage for travellers and goods and it was the hotbed of activity during the French and Indian war and the war of 1812. In 1860, the Free Niagara movement with leaders including renowned landscape architect Fredrick Law Olmsted provided the impetus for the larger concept of preserving open space and in 1885, the Niagara Appropriation bill created the Niagara reservation, now known as the Niagara Falls State Park. In 1896, Nikolas Tesla and George Westinghouse created electricity at Niagara Falls and subsequently, the banks along the rapids and lower river were littered with industry, factories and amusement parks. In 1969, the Army Corps of Egineers dammed the waters of Niagara Falls in an effort to inspect and fix the erosion issue. In January 2014, Niagara Falls beacame a picture postcard when the landscape became a blanket of snow and ice which coated everything from the railings to the trees creating an icy spectacle to the viewers. Niagara Falls earned its title as the Honeymoon capital of the world in early 1800s when influential personalities like Theodosia (Former US Vice President Aaoron Burr's daughter) and Jerome Bonaparte (Napolean Bonaparte's brother) spent their honeymoon at the Niagara Falls. Since then, couples all over the world were drawn towards the thundering waters of the magnificient waterfall to celebrate their love and Niagara Falls became an epitome of power and love.

Having explored all these trivia, my urge to visit the Niagara Falls became substantial. So... now was the time to plan for the trip. Thanks to airbnb, I got an accommodation, few miles away from the suburb of Niagara city, at a meagre price, when the price at the heart of the city were soaring high on account of the long weekend. Stay all set, I booked the greyhound bus tickets from Ithaca to Niagara. Just a week more, I was impatiently waiting for the arrival of 2nd July.....

2nd July Day1:
A fine morning with a perfect weather for travel, I picked up my backpack and headed towards Ithaca bus terminal. A quick note to travellers, pack it light to the bare minimum, especially on your solo travel, that's when you can enjoy to your fullest !! The amazing scenetic landscape during the 5 hours bus drive from Ithaca to Niagara, via Rochester and Buffalo, was just a trailer to the splendeour waiting ahead at Niagara. The lush green stretches, beautiful Cayuga lake and sky soaring trees, all were a feast to the eyes. Getting down at the Niagara bus stop, booked an Uber cab (By the way, I was just lucky enough for uber was launched in the city just a couple of days prior to my arrival.) to reach my accommodation. The cab driver was a sweet lady and she was blown out by my idea of travelling alone and gave me info about the hot and happening places and to do stuffs at Niagara. After a quick lunch at my hotel room, without wasting any time I dragged myself to the Niagara Falls State Park.
My place of accommodation @ Niagara

Entrance to Niagara Falls State Park

Footbridge connecting the goat island
Full of enthusiasm and excitement, I strolled towards the footbridge which was a connection to the goat island via the green island. The gushing water of the Niagara falls captivated my attention on the way. Apt to its name, Green island was tree laden and displayed a spectacular view due to the vast stretch of green land.

A view of the green island

Niagara rapids at the entrance of Goat island
Visitors watching the Bridal Veil Falls at Luna island
A walk further, I landed on the goat island. At the entrance, one can see the massive Niagara river with its ultrafast rapids. Benches on the way, compel visitors to relax and appreciate the beauty of the flowing river. The signboard took me towards the Luna island. As I was approaching nearer to the Falls, my anticipation was at its peak, while the child within me was thoroughly passionated to witness the beauty of the Niagara Falls.

American Falls as captured from the Luna island
And here I stood in front of the falls .... The first view of the falls ...description beyond words...the amazement... cracked the frontiers of my imagination. It is here where one gets enthralled in the the Creation and succumbs completely to the power of the Creator. Niagara made me realise, how small we are and how powerful, beautiful and stunning the world around us is. The immense force of the water, the way the water had carved through the rock, the rockfalls at the foot of the was the epic power of nature at its fullest that hit me, this is what stopped me in my tracks, even above the natural beauty of the place. Standing near the railings, the relentless water of the falls hypnotised me and instilled a sense of fear and created shiver within me. Totally taken aback, I was a spectator to a different aspect of Nature, an amalgamation of both elegance and power. The luna island gives a clear view of the Bridal Veil Falls. The violently gushing water of the rapids and the implacable falls, the green water of the Niagara gorge, rainbow bridge at a distance, and the posh city of Ontario in front of me...all presented a scene, which was spine tingling and engrossing. The words of John James Audubon seems relevant here,
                " All trembling, I reached the Falls of Niagara, and oh what a scene! My blood shudders                  still, although I am not a coward, at the grandeur of the Creator's power; and I gazed motionless on this new display of the irresistible force of one of his elements."

Aerial view of the prospect point

American Falls captured from the Prospect point
For a moment, I wished that time had frozen, so that I get immersed in the exquisiteness of the NIAGRA, till infinity. With a lot of hesitation, I made up my mind to return back, crossed the bridge and turned up to the Prospect Point. The Prospect point at the Niagara Falls state park is one of the best viewing areas for a panoramic and aerial views of the Niagara Falls from the US side. Here, you get the best view of the gigantic American falls (Bridal Veil falls is smaller in comparison to the American Falls). The ledge of the American falls is shaped in a modified "W" form, caused by numerous rock falls over the past 150 years which have resulted in the huge mound of rock at its base. The most notable recent rockfall occurred in 1954 with the collapse of Prospect Point to the north. The American falls can be viewed as cascading down from very close quarters with the Bridal Veil Falls next to it. The experience is heightened by the roaring sound of the falls and the terrifying sight of the gushing water crashing into the river. At a distance, the Horseshoe falls can be seen tumbling down, spraying mist into the air. The raging rapids of the Niagara river and the Maid of the Mist boat carrying its passengers can be seen from above. High power lenses are installed along the pathways for a close up view of the landscape and the falls. Due to the approaching sunset, I called it a day and came back to my room. On the way, I picked up the Niagara Discovery pass which comprised of thrilling fun trips including Maid of the Mist, Cave of the winds, Aquarium of Niagara, Niagara adventure theatre and unlimited rides for the scenic trolley for a day--- all these I planned to accomplish the next day. The long bus journey and the long walks inside the Niagara State Park was not enough to make me tired for my soul was rejuvenated at the sight of the Falls.

July 3 : Day2

Maid of the Mist boat
Observation tower as viewed from the Maid of the Mist Point
Day 2 started off with the Maid of the Mist boat ride. Elevators at the observation tower (at the prospect point ) takes visitors to the foot of the gorge where the Maid of the Mist Boat ride starts. The 10 mins ferry drive takes the tourists in proximity to the American and Bridal Veil waterfalls on the US side as well as the Horseshoe falls on the Canadian side which gives a feel of the gigantic horsepower force of the falls. The boat starts off at a calm part of the Niagara river, near the rainbow bridge, and sails past the American and Bridal Veil Falls, then into the dense mist of spray inside the curve of the Horseshoe falls. Mist poured out of the falls as the water rushed over the rocks and splashed into the river below, with a thunderous roar. Indeed the splash of water is so tremendous that tourists need to protect themselves from getting wet by wearing rain ponchos. (Remember to protect your mobiles and digital cameras !!). The strength of the falls can be estimated from the formation of giant cloud that rose at least a couple 100 ft into the sky which is visible from a couple kms away from the falls. Niagara had finally smacked me - the overwhelming power of the Falls left me wide eyed and at times breathless due to its enormity and strength. At times the water really hit at the face with the force from the falls, the deafening roar along with the cloudy mist -- an exhilarating experience indeed, leaves the visitors spellbound. A ride worth the money and memory to cherish forever.
Walking closer to the falls
Rainbow @ Niagara
When I disembarked the boat, I wandered off up a ascending series of stairs to reach the Crow's nest (popularly called this ) which made me closer to the American falls. Here one feels the massive power of the falls. The unsurpassable power of the gushing water smashing the cliff face with thunderous roar along with the gorgeous rainbows--- here was clear in all its glory. This was a place, despite the crowd beside me, I was lost in my own little world.. Incredible indeed.. Then I went ahead to the observation deck of the observation tower. From a height of 230 metres, visitors gets the best sight of the sumptuous aerial view of the Niagara falls. The unobstructed view of the cascading and roaring waterfalls, bluish green Niagara gorge, Rainbow bridge and the splendid Ontario city... all sums up the mesmerizing Niagara.
The view of the falls from the observation deck

Prospect point from the observation deck
Next in my list was Niagara: Legends of Adventure movie screened on 45 foot large screen inside the Niagara theatre. The movie highlighted the discovery of the falls along with its associated myths. It showcased the various heroic attempts of crossing the Niagara Falls which were on one hand awe inspiring and on the other insane. Without any preconception in mind, any one visiting Niagara should watch this amazing movie.
Niagara scenic trolley
Time to catch the iconic Niagara trolley, which provides transportation to the tourists inside the state park. The state-of-the-art scenic trolleys run on eco-friendly natural gas, is a part of "Green Park Project" which has been honored with a Clean Air Excellence Award. Not that I was tired of walking but I wanted to be a part of it...The first destination was the Rainbow bridge. Before my arrival at Niagara, through my research I had come across the rainbow bridge but I was not sure whether I required a Canadian Visa to walk over the bridge. The confirmation of the trolley driver that anyone carrying passport can cross the bridge just elated me. The idea that I am going to cross the border took me on cloud nine. The Niagara Falls international Rainbow bridge (name due to the shape of the bridge) is 1450 ft (449 mts) arch bridge across the Niagara gorge connecting the cities of Niagara Falls, NY to the east and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada to the west.
      The rainbow bridge

View of the American side of the falls from rainbow bridge

A slow walk, ogling at the Falls from a different angle, I reached the midway of the bridge which serves as the border between the two nations. Being from India, where we constantly hear of cross border terrorism and tension, the idea of crossing the border in such a cool manner left me perplexed.
Rainbow bridge

US and Canada Border
Finally, after checking from the Canadian immigration officials, I put my footsteps on the land of Canada, without a visa. A 20 minutes stroll on the roads of Canada offers you a panoramic view of the American Falls.
American Falls captured from Canada
Though the US side provided me opportunity to get right to the brink of the falls, but this inevitably meant that the viewing angle was rather sharp (from the top down or in profile) and obstructed, rather than the wide sweeping views. The full widescreen view of the falls amidst the natural greenery of the state park is just spectacular and provides better photographic opportunities.
Queen Victoria Park @ Canada
The Canadian side attracts a lot of visitors not only due to this eye catching views but also due to the presence of adventure activities like aero car, zipper lines, in addition to the royal casinos and expensive restaurants. On the traverse route from the bridge visitors need to pay 50 cents to the Govt. of Canada. After a check in from the US immigration officers at the end of the bridge, I took an exit. An unexpected surprise...
Ontario city
Next, was Niagara aquarium founded in 1965, a store house of plenty of fish collection including Humboldt penguins, California sea lions, harbor seals, sharks, eel, fresh water turtles, sturgeon, sea horses, fresh water and salt water fishes. Then was the turn of stepping into the Niagara Gorge Discovery Center also known as Schoellkopf geological museum which showcases the natural and local history of Niagara Falls and the gorge. It displayed some of the ancient rock layers, local minerals and fossils, the history of the great gorge route trolley line etc via interactive displays.
Niagara Discovery Centre
Niagara power station
Near the discovery centre, is the Schoellkopf power station, built 1600 feet downriver from rainbow bridge. The powerhouse ceased operation and was demolished in 1962 as a part of the project to beautify the American Falls. The elevator inside the power house took me to the basement, near the Niagara gorge. The calm and deep greenish Niagara lower gorge and the stone wall of the power house-- both present a scene worth viewing.
The lower gorge from the power house
Harbor seal @ Niagara aquarium
The final event of the day...The Cave of the Winds tour, though it can become frustrating due to the long wait of nearly 2-2.5 hrs in the queue..But trust me the wait is worthy and once in a life time experience. The cave of the winds is the closest actual vista point to the falls almost 20 feet away. The tour began with a 175 ft elevator ride down into the Niagara gorge. The wooden walkways and staircases along the Niagara river led me to the Hurricane deck at the base of the Bridal Veil Falls. I stood in awe, experiencing the tropical storm like conditions, as powerful plumes of mist and spray leaped up into the air from whirling cauldron of water and rock below. From the Luna island, the people on the cave of the winds looked like ants to me.. from the Hurricane Deck, I felt like one. Drenched in the water of the falls, despite the ponchos, I just gazed motionless at the ruthless flowing water crashing at the rocks with a terrifying roar. Niagara had towered over me.. The half and full arch rainbow popping up randomly created a scene of unbridled power and beauty. The splashing water of the fall not only soaked my body but also my soul. There was an inner peace -- a feeling which can't be explained in words. No doubt Charles Dickens on arriving at Table rock (Canadian side) of the Falls wrote:
    " It was not until I came on Table rock- Great Heaven, on what fall of bright green water! - that it came upon me in its full might and majesty. Then, when I felt how near my creator I was standing, the first effect and enduring one instant and lasting - the tremendous spectacle was peace, Peace of mind, tranquility, calm recollections of the Dead, great thoughts of Eternal Rest and Happiness: nothing of gloom or terror. Niagara was once stamped on my heart, an image of beauty: to remain there, changeless and indelible, until its pulses cease to beat, forever."
The sight of the falls from the Cave of the Winds.
Water cutting its way through the rocks
Coming out of the Cave of the Winds, one should never forget to taste the local ice cream at Niagara. It was dusk.. and the view of the falls at evening from the Luna island was incredible. A monument of Nikola Tesla at the goat island, near the cave of the winds point confirmed the union of science and nature. This monument was gift of Yugoslavia to the US in 1976 in remembrance of his design of first hydroelectric power plant in Niagara falls. The monument is the work of the Croatian  sculptor Frane Krsinic.
Monument of Nikola Tesla
View from the luna island @ evening
As it was already dark, I packed up for the day .. one of the most memorable day of my life. Peaceful and satisfied, I returned to my room.

July 4 - Day 3
On the roads to Terrapin point 
Bridges connecting the three sisters island

The view of Niagara rapids from the 3 sisters island

The majestic Horseshoe waterfalls from the Terrapin point

@ Terrapin point, in memory of Nik Wallenda, the first person to walk a tight rope
directly above the Niagara falls
Early morning, I checked out from the hotel and headed towards the goat island, for I had left two important spots. First was the Terrapin point, an observation area located on the northwestern corner of the Goat island, next to the Horseshoe waterfalls. The view here is just captivating and threatening. The emerald green water tumbling over the edge with a brute force and turning into white froth, the rainbows, the mist, the thundering roar, the green Niagara gorge....I fall short of words now...
I had to be quick for my bus was at 12:15 pm. So I ran towards the three sisters island. The walk early morning, was again a different feel tranquil and serene. The small islands are connected by bridges, allowing pedestrians to walk to all three for grand views of the raging rapids in the Niagara right before its descent over the grand horseshoe falls.

Mission accomplished !!  The end of my trip

At the end, to catch a final glimpse of the falls, I walked towards the prospect point. Staring at the falls, I wanted to clasp on the moment but anything which starts has to reach an end. With a mixed feeling, I returned back with a handful of memories and experiences. Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent in the ideas of living.


  1. Superb and very beautiful location, narrated in a mesmerizing manner. True, that it's a dream destination for any traveller who wants to enjoy the nature. Feeling ecstatic that you visited such a place which we used to just read in our school books. Would love to visit there some day....


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