
Showing posts from May, 2020

Revisiting the golden old days ....

The other day I saw a video on FB posted by a dear friend Charan. It picturised Charan with his kiddo on a cycle while he was dropping her at school. Such a cute video it was !! I wonder how many kids in today's age would avail these serene happiness. But Charan being unique in his own ways...Somehow, this video created nostalgia as it reminded me of my childhood times when papa used to drop me on his bicycle to school when we were late and could not walk till school. Walking back from school to home, the 1 km distance, roughly 30 mins of walk were the most enjoyable moments of my childhood. Walking casually with my brother while introspecting everything on the way... Is it not possible to relive those again...  90s was an era of happiness and the people of those generation would certainly agree to this point. It was an era devoid of video games & mobile phones, big CRT TV, tapes & cassettes, VCRs, land lines, no internet. In every home, though taking lunch together w